
CBNS 2 ch.6

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Last time we left our heroes, two of them-Crash and Parappa-were facing an old enemy of our favorite bandicoot. Now, back to his old self, Ripper Roo prepared for the second round.

“Bwahahahaha!” laughed maniacally the crazy kangaroo as he jumped to his desk and stomped on a secret button. Soon, robotic arms spread from underwater and removed the remaining TNT crates under the platform; only to replace them in different places with some others that Crash couldn’t identify because of the water.

“DIE! BWAHAHAHAHA!” laughed Ripper Roo and propelled himself towards the young bandicoot, who quickly dodged him by jumping forward; avoiding at all costs to step on a square at his right side, where one of those crates have just been placed. A very smart move on his part…

The moment he jumped, a wumpa fruit-that was in his clothes-fell to that square; causing an instant green explosion that turned the fruit into juice. Of course, both Crash and Parappa panicked after seeing this; now Ripper Roo meant real business with these new explosives.

“That’s right, ehehehe” chuckled the human kangaroo maliciously. “You will not get away from me, hahahaha!” he laughed viciously excited; much to the displeasure of the youths, who just exchanged worried looks.

Unknown to them, the rest of his friends, back in the chamber, were waiting for their friends’ results. True, they didn’t know how long will take them to destroy the first hijacking point and take down the hijacker; but just waiting without knowing anything about them worried some of the travelers.

“Hmhmhmhmh” mumbled Klonoa apprehensive while pacing from one side to the other. Rayman, who was sitting on a rock bench, was also worried for Crash and Parappa. But didn’t let his worries get the best of him. Next to him was a worried Croc that tried to ease his nervousness by petting Rayman’s sleepy rabbid in his arms. And last but no least, Spyro was leaning against a wall with eyes closed and his little dragonfly friend resting on his shoulder.

“Hmmmmh! You can’t be serious guys! Are we really gonna stay here without doing anything?!” exclaimed the black haired boy anxious.

“It’s not as if we can do something, Klonoa” replied Rayman in hopes to ease the tension in the air.

“Ma-maybe we shouldn’t have trust Cortex after all…” pointed out Croc under his breath worried, but audible enough for the others to hear.

“Croc…” murmured the blond concerned after seeing his friend losing hope too. He knew for sure that if this continued, he wouldn’t have the strength to hold back and he would end up doing something reckless.

“Come on you two” said Spyro’s calm voice, calling the attention of everyone. “Are you going to doubt Crash’s and Parappa’s strength so lightly? If those two were that weak they wouldn’t have gotten this far, trust me” he pointed out the obvious, relieving a little bit the worries of the young ones.

“I-I guess you’re right” replied Klonoa a little embarrassed while scratching the back of his head.

“So-sorry I thought that” stuttered Croc nervous as he hid the light blush on his cheeks with the sleepy rabbid on his arms.

Once the two managed to get a grip of their fears, a smiling Rayman looked at the cool and collected Spyro still leaning against the wall with both eyes closed, that is until the young dragon felt that someone was watching him and peered with one eye to see the smiling blond.

“Heh” he smiled smugly and closed his eye again.

“Why don’t we tell more stories about our adventures?” suggested Rayman happily in order to ease the tension even more among them.

“I’ll start!” exclaimed Klonoa eagerly while raising his hand and walking towards the blond and the green haired boy. “I have plenty of feats I haven’t told you about!”

“Ehhh? No fair Klonoa, you want to get all the attention” answered a displeased Croc in a very childish manner.

“Tell you what, you’ll get to do it after me” he stated proudly happy.

“See? You’re doing it again” replied the human crocodile still discontented by his friend’s nonchalantly.

And while the two were discussing like little kids, Rayman was relieved. Now he didn’t have to fear for not being able to control the situation. However, he couldn’t have done it alone. It was all thanks to the lone and always quiet dragon from afar.

“What about you, Spyro? Feel like sharing a story or two?” asked him the blond happily.

“Only when one of you falls short with the story” he replied sarcastically and crossed his arms, ready to listen more of the first storyteller’s adventures.

Back to the battle, we see a badly bruised and tired Parappa avoiding being stomped by a crazy Ripper Roo, only to be blown up by another of those explosive crates hidden in the floor that, by the looks of it, didn’t need a countdown to explode; just the mere contact with them was enough for the explosion to occur.

“Wahhh!” cried the young rapper as he flew backwards by the force of the blast, falling-luckily-on a safe floor.

“Parappa!” cried Crash worried. However, because he was in the same state as his friend, he couldn’t go to where the rapper was to see if he was ok. Fortunately, the human dog began to stand up from the floor slowly.

“I-I’m fine, C” replied Parappa with his right thumb up and a forced happy expression. After seeing him fine, the human bandicoot sighed pleased.

“Hehehe…hahahahaha!” laughed Roo crazily happy, calling the attention of the two, who glared at him.

“Like it? Hehehe, my best and greatest creation of all, hehehe…” chuckled the human kangaroo viciously.

“Without the annoying countdown, hehehe…I came up with the perfect explosive of all…the NITRO CRATE!” he yelled excitedly.

“Ni-nitro crate” stuttered Crash scared.

“Yes…hehehe…” he answered as he recalled all the events during his month of absence.


After that man made me go through those dreadful and intense therapy sessions, I became a new person. The intelligence I thought I had lost after being brainwashed by the Cortex Vortex was back, not to mention that being a human sure had his advantages.

I became a person of great influence within society. One day, I was working with scientists and the army in the developing and testing of explosive weapons, and the other I was writing one of the most successful books in history: Through the Eyes of the Vortex: A Study of Rapid Evolution and Its Consequences. I had the world under my feet.

I even thought about forgetting everything related to the island, Cortex and Crash of course. Little did I imagine that a person of the past will come to my life again, looking for my services.

I hesitated by the simple thought of it, I was afraid of awakening that monster inside me again. However, I needed to be realistic. All my achievements so far were all thanks to that man, I owed him, and the fact that I was getting the chance to finally get my revenge on Cortex was something I couldn’t afford to slip away. You could say that that last line was the monster talking…

So I decided to gamble my life in a 50-50 probability. Blow up or not. Win or lose. Sanity or insanity; heh, actually, I really don’t care about the last one. I’m all for a little twist in my good sense after so long…

End of the flashback

“And now, hehehe…It’s time to get rid of you!” yelled Roo viciously as he lunged towards a surprised Crash.

“Don’t think so!” cried Parappa while throwing his microphone towards the human kangaroo. This time, however, he actually managed to tie Ripper Roo with his mic’s cord and pulled him backwards before he could get to the male bandicoot.

“Ghrgrh!” growled Roo the moment he fell roughly on the floor. Still, he quickly stood up and glared angrily at the rapper.

“DON’T INTERFIERE!” he yelled and lunged towards Parappa, without noticing that part of the cord tying his body was within Crash’s reach.

“I won’t let you!” he cried and grabbed the cord with both hands to prevent him from attacking his friend.

“Ghrghrghg! LET ME GO!” yelled Ripper Roo viciously while struggling hardly against the two youths that were doing the same.

“Gugh-gugrh!” muttered Crash and Parappa while using all their strengths to prevent him from moving.

“ENOUGH WITH THIS!” cried Roo and began to bite the cord tying his body with his sharp teeth.

“Gughg…He-Hey! No cool man!” cried the rapper displeased while struggling after he saw the kangaroo chewing the microphone’s cord.

“Gugh…This is bad…” thought Crash worried. “Parappa’s mic is the only thing we have to stop him. If he escapes from this, we won’t have any other way to prevent him from jumping around. Come on Crash, think!” he desperately thought as he struggled against the angry kangaroo.

As he focused on pulling the cord with more strength, Crash’s right foot touched something solid next to him. Curious, he looked down and saw that the object was Parappa’s radio, which hadn’t been turned off after they knocked down Ripper Roo the first time.

Little by little, Crash began to study the current situation thoroughly; and when an idea struck his head, he decided to give it a try. Slowly, he let go of the cord with his left hand and grabbed the radio next to him. Then, he put it in front of him

“I hope this works” he murmured in a crouched position as he turned up the volume to the maximum, calling the attention of the two. After he did this, he stood up and prepared…

“How about a little music, Roo?” told him Crash ironically and then used his left foot to push the radio as near as he could to his enemy. Unbeknownst to Ripper Roo, the microphone -that was still around his body-increased the wave of sounds so loud that his ears couldn’t endure it.

“Gaahhhh!” yelled the human kangaroo in pain.

“Now Parappa!” told him Crash.

“Ready as always, C!” exclaimed the rapper eagerly and pulled Ripper Roo backwards so fast and harsh that he untied the now dizzy kangaroo, who, unconsciously, ended up stepping on an explosive floor.

“Warghahhh!” cried Ripper Roo in pain the moment the nitro crate exploded on him. The explosion was so harsh that he ended up crashing on his desk and knocking down the books on top of it. Surprisingly enough, that pile of books was just a disguise for an antenna that was carefully hidden inside them. But of course, when Ripper Roo fell on his desk he literally tear it apart.

“Master the first hijacker’s point is down!” informed him N. Gin once the screen showed that there was no more interference with their signal.

“Then what are you waiting for? Send them already to the next warp room!” ordered him hastily Cortex.

“R-right away, sir!” replied his assistant and he proceeded to teleport Crash and Parappa-with his trusty radio in his hands-to the next area.

“Woah! Rayman, I didn’t imagine you went trough that” gasped Klonoa astonished after hearing an adventure story of the blond in which he faced a giant yellow robot with the life of his friend at stake .

“Hehehe” he laughed nervously while scratching his cheek with a sweatdropped expression. “Is not really something I want to do a second time” he admitted sheepishly.

“Back in my world, we don’t have robotic pirates but Dantinis, Baron Dante’s lackeys, that everyday try to cause trouble in the island”, explained to them Croc.

“Hehe, well feel lucky you don’t have to deal with them” replied Rayman smiling.

At that moment, Spyro tensed a bit since he felt something unusual in the area. When he looked at his left, he saw the floating camera going towards them.

“Guys I think story time is over” called them the young dragon as he faced the floating camera, which began to shoot at them. Spyro and Sparx were the first ones to disappear, followed by Klonoa, Rayman and lastly Croc with the blond’s rabbid.

Minutes later, the whole group reappeared in another warp room that looked almost exactly like the first one, only that this one had a snow theme instead of a temple theme.

“Wow…the snow even reached this place” pointed out Rayman surprised while his rabbid climbed to its usual spot, the blond’s hoodie.

“But, what about Crash and Parappa?” asked Croc still worried about them.

“We’re here, guys!” called them a voice from afar. When they looked forward, they saw the two exhausted youths resting on a frozen bench greeting them happy.


If there was something Crash and Parappa could be grateful for was Croc’s cautiousness. Always ready and loaded with many handful things for travelling, including a medical kit.

“Ugh!” yelped Parappa achy as his arm was being bandaged by Croc.

“So-sorry!” replied the human crocodile worried, but resumed the bandaging of his friend; now gentler as possible.

“I can’t believe you two had to endure that much” said Rayman a little worried as he bandaged Crash’s body.

“I hate to admit it, but we were lucky that the plan worked at the end” pointed the young bandicoot serious.

“Using Parappa’s radio to stun an enemy that couldn’t cover his ears, pretty smart of you” stated Spyro sarcastically, obviously to mock of Crash’s intelligence.

“I’m not dumb, you hear me!” scolded him Crash comically angry while, repeatedly, moving his right arm up and down, earning the embarrassed looks of his friends-minus Spyro-.

“S-Still is good to know you’re safe” replied Klonoa sweatdropping.

“I couldn’t have said it better!” exclaimed the joyful voice of Cortex’s hologram, which appeared in the center of the warp room.

“Congratulations to both! You managed to overcome the first challenge, and against Ripper Roo nonetheless!” he praised them happily, even if the youths were not that pleased to see him or even hear him.

“But we still have a long way ahead. 20 crystals are now required to stop the catastrophe above us. Collect the five of this area so we can move on to the next warp room. Oh! And rest assured. Once we get there, you won’t have to worry about more enemies’ interference. I’m going to make sure of that” he told them mysteriously serious before ending the transmission, almost like he wasn’t that sure of his statement.

And while our heroes were focused on their specific missions, both underground and on the surface, other certain ones were stealthy moving within the shadows with malicious purposes.

Inside his time research lab, N. Tropy was checking with utmost care the status of his Time Twister machine in order to prevent any potential unbalance that could threaten the Earth.

“Without all the fuss around, this place seems to be awfully quiet; don’t you think?” pointed Mr. Dark ironically as he approached to the time doctor.

“I can always call them back if you wish” he simply replied him while working.

“Heh, no need to be cranky and less when things are going exactly as you predicted” he told him just when N. Tropy finished his work.

“Hehe, of course they’re going as I want” he replied with a mischievous smile as he stood from his chair. “I’m the master of time afterall” he added as he walked away from him in order to gaze all his time related inventions.

Every decision they made

We see Crash’s team ready to collect the next five crystals in teams of two again. This time Crash was paired with Klonoa, Rayman with Croc and Spyro with Parappa.

Every course of actions

We see both Coco’s and Cortex’s team working tirelessly in order to achieve their own goals. We also see Aku Aku still looking for Crash and the others in the Islands desperately.

Every minimum fact yet to occur

We see two shady people raising a circus tent in the middle of a snowy jungle. Apparently, those two were following the orders of a third person that was contacting them through the similar system Cortex was using to communicate with Crash and the others

All is following an established timeline that I’m already aware of

We see a boy in red clothes with a red cap backwards escaping from menacing helicopter TV and half mechanical armed monsters. The responsible behind him leaving his realm were no other than Rez and the old man from N. Tropy’s team.

And I’m just molding it to our convenience

We see a ferocious battle between a red haired young boy with electric powers, a pink haired young girl with ice powers, a blond archer and a blonde mage against a group of green monsters that were invading their home. Little did they know that the responsible of this fight were the old lady and the bearded man from N. Tropy’s team.

Once it’s done, not even the so called heroes will be able to stand us

We see robotic pirates unloading their cargo in the fields of an abandoned castle. Apparently they were planning to make it their new base. However, they failed to notice the shadows of a dark skinned boy with gray curly hair and a dark skinned girl with long gray curly hair that were not pleased with this robot invasion to their home.

“As time is the only and greater power of the universe!” proclaimed N. Tropy proudly. Then, all of sudden, all the clock hands of his watches began to spin quickly by art of magic.

After what it seemed an unwinnable battle, Crash and Parappa beat the odds and managed to reunite with their friends. What dangers await them in this warp room? Which enemy are they going to face in the second and last hijacking point? And what about the other realms now in hands of the conspirators?! Find it out in the next episode ;)
Happy 2014 minna san! :D :squee: :manhug: :hug: I hope you had a merry time in these past holidays :) And what better way to complete it than with a brand new chapter of the CBNS story :XD: Now, if you noticed, this arc will mark the introduction of the travelers' realms, where we'll get to see and know more about our heroes and some of their deadly enemies as well :evillaugh: Prepare for a new adventure full of unexpected turn of events! XD

Oh! Almost forgot, from this chapter on I will point you the references I consider relevant to tell you so that your reading flows more naturally ;)

"Benches"-Crash bandicoot 2 saving points
"Giant yellow robot"-Grolgoth-Rayman 2 the great escape
"Red cap boy"-Rex:Gex enter the gecko-Human style by :icon123soleil:
"Helicopter Tv"-Heli Tellies-Gex enter the gecko
"Half mechanical monsters"-Sligs-Abe oddysee
"Red haired boy and pink haired girl"-Flame and Ember-Spyro: A Hero's Tail
"Blond archer and blonde mage"-Hunter and Bianca:Spyro games-Human styles by :icon123soleil:
"Green monsters"-Gnorcs-Spyro the dragon and Spyro: A Hero's Tail
"Robotic pirates"-Henchman 1000-Rayman Rush and Rayman Arena
"Dark skinned boy and girl"-Toasty-Spyro the dragon

© 2014 - 2024 Dark-swordfish
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123soleil's avatar
:icon0u0plz::heart: !! my heart always skips a beat when I see one of your notes, hoping from a brand new chapter ~
Simply great, as usual X). The final part of the battle against Roo was intense :la: !! 
Interesting upcoming events, I would like to discuss about some points with you ;)

One more time, my inspiration is boosted X) :iconallmyloveplz:
Awesome work my friend Hug I am a dummy! :happybounce: Heart !!